Monday, 31 August 2015

Why It is called Windows 10 and not 9?

Why It is called Windows 10 and not 9?

This is the first thing comes in your mind when you hear about the new version of the windows. Though there are no official words from Microsoft on this, there are two reason people are speculating on

1. Number 9 is considered unlucky : Yes in Japan number 9 along with number 4 are considered unlucky and that could be one reason for this skip. Nine is pronounced “ku” which has the same pronunciation as suffering, agony or torture. It is also believed that many buildings and hospitals do not have fourth and ninth floor.

2. To keep the code simple : It is believed that piece of code developed earlier to determine the version of windows only checks the first letter of the version. So if it starts with 7 its windows 7, if it starts with 8 its windows 8, similarly if it starts with 9 its ………..? sorry its not Windows 9 its either Windows 95 or 98. So to avoid this technical confusion they thought to come up with windows 10.

By - Hardik


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